Holiday Season Strategies That Drive Traffic and Increase Conversions – WooCurve

Holiday Season Strategies That Drive Traffic and Increase Conversions

The weather is officially starting to change, and as the heat subsides and the leaves change it’s time for us to think about the holiday season. If you own a digital store, then the next few months are important, if not absolutely vital, to your business’s long-term financial health. Many businesses tread water all year long waiting for the holidays to roll around, so it’s crucial to employ every possible strategy to drive traffic to your site and increase your conversions. Here are some strategies and tips to make the most out of this holiday season.

Holiday season sales

Start Planning Now

The most important thing to know is that time is not on your side when it comes to holiday planning. Sure, it might seem like there are months before Christmas season officially, starts, but when that first Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale opens up you should have already put weeks and weeks of planning into it. This is a high-volume, high-action time of the year and the last thing you need to do it lose time because you’re not fully planned.

Create Your E-Mail Campaigns

One of the first things to do, once you know what your promotions are going to be, is amp up the hype by making your customers aware of it. You’ve no doubt built distribution lists over the years — now is the time to bring those lists out, if you’re not already using them. Let the customer know as soon as possible that big things are in store for the holiday season. It’s okay to give them a taste or two, but don’t give away everything! Get them excited.

One extra email tip: ask your customers to reply and indicate what sorts of deals, specials and promotional events they’re interested in. This can help you create specialized lists that make sure you are targeting the customers who are most likely to respond to your mail blasts.

Holiday season strategy

Put Your Promotions on Google’s Merchant Center

If you’re not using Google to help promote your business already, there’s simply not enough space in this post to tell you why you should and how Google can help. When it comes to seasonal promotions, though, Google can really help out.

A large number of online shoppers — some estimates paint it as high as 40% — use Google Ads and Google Shopping to help find products and deals. Rather than go to a company’s website, they’ll search for a product and browse through all of the comparative info that pops up in Google. You can get your promotions to show up in the product-based searches by keeping your information current on Google’s Merchant Center.

It’s not hard to set up at all, and it can be a game-changer!

Be Ready To Boost on Social Media

Much has been said about how great social media can be for digital advertising. One of its biggest appeals is that it’s possible to create effective marketing campaigns without spending much money, if at all.

However, now is not the time to be frugal with your advertising budget. Those same social media campaigns, as effective as they can be, are even better when you throw a little money behind them and “boost” them. Each platform has a slightly different way of handling this feature, but in most cases it boils down to setting a time frame (a week, for example) , an idea of how many people you want to see your ad and how often, and — if applicable — a geographical location to center on. Then, the platform in question gives you a price, which you can then adjust up or down to meet your needs. Pay the amount, and then watch as your ad starts to show up in newsfeeds all over. Even when paying for the boosting services it’s still a much cheaper and cost-effective way to advertise, so why not pull out all the stops?

Offer One-Click Upsells

Upselling is one of the quickest and easiest ways to generate more revenue and increase sales. A customer is already buying something — but if you can get them to quickly and easily add to or upgrade their existing order, you could find yourself bringing in a lot more in sales without having to actually do much to earn it!

WooCurve has actually created a one-click upsell plugin for your WooCommerce digital storefront, and setting it up is as easy as 1-2-3. Just create a few promotions that automatically trigger, and then watch as your sales increase significantly!

Click here to learn more.

As you can see, there are many ways you can drive traffic to your digital storefront this holiday season. Start planning now and plan smart. Use social media and Google, and don’t forget about the power of the upsell!

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Chris Mason