New Storefront Checkout Page for WooCommerce – Powered by Handsome Checkout – WooCurve

New Storefront Checkout Page for WooCommerce – Powered by Handsome Checkout

Your WooCommerce Storefront checkout page is about to get a major facelift.

See we believe that when you’re running a business you need to be able to test and implement new ideas quickly. You shouldn’t always have to wait on a developer or designer – especially when there are so many proven strategies that have boosted revenue for decades.


A lot of the techniques you see online today have their roots back in the days of direct mail. The Order Bump, the guarantee, the testimonials…these are all elements that have worked for ages.

Why would you focus on solving problems that have already been solved?

Your time is much better spent on implementing what works and focusing on other areas of your business.

Handsome Checkout has become the go to solution for thousands of WooCommerce store owners who value their time but don’t want to sacrifice on design. And we’ve just done something that will make it even better!

We have an exciting new template to share with you that will be a part of Handsome Checkout soon. It will be a powerful addition to your Storefront Checkout experience inside WooCommerce.

This template was designed specifically for people who want to showcase multiple products on their checkout page.

And because you’re using Handsome Checkout, you have access to conversion tools like the Order Bump and you have 100% control over the design of your checkout page. You don’t need to hire a developer unless you just really want to.

Here is a preview of the new Multi Product template due soon…

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Chris Mason