How to Convert One-Time Holiday Shoppers Into Lasting Customers – WooCurve

How to Convert One-Time Holiday Shoppers Into Lasting Customers

Fall is here. Amidst all the fun preparations for Halloween, raking leaves and enjoying cool crisp evenings, the reality of the holiday shopping season is looming. As a business owner, there is no doubt that your one-time customers who frequent your business as the holiday gift-buying season nears will increase, it is all too common to see a huge drop off of business once the calendar changes to a new year. But, you can do yourself and your business a huge favor by converting one-time holiday shoppers into regulars. If you think that is an impossible task, read on to see exactly how to get it done.

Have an Awesome Loyalty Program

People love to be rewarded, and they will work toward a goal if they know there is a prize at the end. Use this mindset to your advantage by initiating a loyalty program. Loyalty programs have been proven to increase revenue, and it is easy to get a part of it. As soon as seasonal shoppers make a purchase, enroll them in your loyalty program without hesitation. That one simple act on your part will increase the chances that those shoppers will come back repeatedly in the future. Plus, when shoppers sign up for a loyalty program, you automatically get their email address and other contact information, so it will be easier for you to contact them with cross promotions, information about sales or anything else that will prompt them to come back to your store, whether it be online or at a brick-and-mortar location.

Related article: How to Make Discounts, Best Offers and Deals to Drive Sales

Up Your Customer Service Game

Customer service is the name of the game, and often poor or even average customer service can turn off customers permanently, especially if the customer is new to the store. This truth is even more crucial during the holiday shopping season. People have lots of choices, as many companies are vying for their business. So, you need to provide exceptional customer service, as it is often the deciding factor as to whether a customer will return for a second time. During the holiday season, you and your staff will have ample opportunities to provide a positive customer service experience to shoppers. Follow these tips for each customer interaction to ensure you are providing excellent customer service to your shoppers:

  • Be flexible with returns and exchanges, even if it means bending your policies.
  • Help new customers find what they are looking for.
  • Take complaints seriously and remember that this season is stressful on many people.
  • Ensure your website is 100 percent functional. People will have little tolerance for technical glitches.
  • Hire additional holiday staff is financially feasible.
  • Always remember that exceeding customer expectations is always preferable to falling short of them.

See Also: How Online Store Chat Helps Drive Sales and Customer Trust

Retarget Your Customers

Retargeting customers is simply a method of sending ads and promotions that are related to their purchases to previous buyers. The idea is that if they bought a product once they will want to buy it again. Keep in mind that this marketing strategy can be tricky at the holidays, as people are buying gifts for other people rather than items for themselves. However, it can still be done effectively. Here are some great tips for retargeting holiday shoppers:

  • Use Facebook ads to match products with existing profiles of customers.
  • Reduce cart abandonment by sending follow-up emails or immediately sending a discount or free gift notification to win over people who may be leaving your site before making a purchase.

Learn About Your New Customers

As soon as you start getting an influx of new customers for the holidays, start learning as much about them as you can. Gather data on their preferences and buying habits so you can market to them more effectively. The easiest way to learn about your new customers quickly is through surveys. Send your new customers a survey that asks pointed questions about how they liked the store and specifically aspects they especially liked and disliked and long as what you could do better. If you intend on sending out a welcome email series to new customers, it is the ideal way to include a survey of this nature.

Provide a Smooth Shopping Experience

Winning over customers in the digital age can be challenging. You need to give people a reason to shop with you rather than buying something similar on Amazon. When you provide an easy, smooth and seamless experience for your shoppers, they will be willing to come back time and again. Creating a customer experience that is stress free will promote customer loyalty and will have happy people recommending your business to friends and family. So, you will be cross-promoting yourself without even trying. Some great ways to provide a smooth shopping experience that will encourage repeat business include:

  • Providing a guaranteed delivery date when necessary.
  • Offering free returns.
  • Beating the competition’s prices.
  • Exceeding customers’ expectations.

To learn more about converting one-time seasonal shoppers into lasting customers, contact us today.

See also: 3 Tips to Improve Your Shopping Cart Page

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Chris Mason