Good Products To Sell On WooCommerce – WooCurve

Good Products To Sell On WooCommerce

If you own a WooCommerce-based digital store, then you already know all of the amazing features that WooCommerce has to offer. However, if you don’t yet use WooCommerce, or you’re thinking of expanding into new digital territory, you might not yet realize all of the different kinds of goods and services a WooCommerce-run website can handle. If you thought all you could do was sell physical goods, then think again. Here are some of the most popular product types you can sell with WooCommerce.

See also: Finding The Best Niche For Your WooCommerce Store

Physical Products

As we just mentioned, physical goods and products are some of the more popular and well-known and expected things you can expect from an e-commerce platform. Whether you’re selling clothes, art, decorations or anything else, WooCommerce is equipped to handle all aspects of your sale, from the first click to the last.

WooCommerce can also help set up subscription sales so that a one-time purchase has the potential to lead to an ongoing and recurring relationship. Again, no matter how you set it up, WooCommerce is ready to help.


Rather than spend a lot of time on what we already know and expect, let’s move on to some of the other product types that you can and should sell using WooCommerce.

You might not know it, but thanks to a relatively new add-on called Box Office, you can now buy and sell tickets at a variety of events, right from your WooCommerce-based storefront. These can be tickets to concerts, webinars, comedy shows, conferences — really, anything that requires a ticket to enter.

The other good news about this is that you can also add the ability to sell tickets to an already-existing store. So, whether you are running a ticket service or just adding tickets to your store for a one-time event, WooCommerce has you covered.

Memberships and Exclusive Content

Many digital content owners want to create an online experience that lends itself towards memberships. Websites with memberships typically have exclusive content that is members-only — whether it’s newsletters, access to services, products or whatever, membership often does have its privileges as long as the content is worth it.

When it comes to membership and the exclusive content that goes with it, the main question is: what do you charge for? Do you offer the membership for free and then charge for the content? Do you charge for the membership and then let all members have all the content included in that initial fee? Or should you go with mixing these ideas, charging for a membership and then offering some things free, and some things for pay?

WooCommerce can’t answer the questions, but no matter how you answer them, WooCommerce has got you covered with our plugins and features.

Digital Goods

Just like you can use your storefront to sell physical goods, you can also use WooCommerce to sell digital goods as well. These can include all sorts of digital media, including visual artwork, sound clips, movie files, gaming content, 3D printer schematics or really just about anything that can be transferred digitally.

And the great thing about digital sales? You don’t have to worry about shipping and the headache and hassle that goes with that. Simply make the sale, deliver the digital content, and the transaction is finished.

Or is it? Just like physical products, you can use WooCommerce to help set up subscriptions to digital content and goods. So, for example, if you are offering a podcast that is going to be delivered weekly, you can have customers subscribe to the podcast, setting up automatic delivery whenever the next episode is released.

Simple, right?

Your (or a Customers’) Time

The final type of product we’re going to talk about here is that of time. There are many websites set up to sell a chunk of time to a customer; we just don’t think about them in that fashion. Hotel rooms, house rentals, coaching sessions and more all fall under this concept of selling time. Whether you’re selling your time to an individual, or you are selling a place where someone can spend part of their time, WooCommerce is ready to roll with this sort of transaction.

Check out WooCommerce Bookings. This add-on gives you all the tools you need to set up and sell chunks of your time for meetings with customers for coaching sessions, meetings, and other personal time transactions.

You can even use your WooCommerce platform to hire out your services for things like consulting, photography sessions or just about anything else you can think of.

As you can see, there’s more to a WooCommerce-based digital store than just selling physical products. Sure, you can do that, but with the features and add-ons available there really is just about no limit to the types of transactions your website can handle. So, get creative, and get out there and start selling!

Those are the products you can sell online. And as a bonus, you can use upsell on your e-commerce store to help you boost sales. Check the article below:

Why Do You Need To Build Upsells in WooCommerce

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Chris Mason