Using The Abandoned Funnel Campaign for WooCommerce Stores – WooCurve

Using The Abandoned Funnel Campaign for WooCommerce Stores

One of the great benefits of making the right upgrades to your WooCommerce store is you get more options that can actually improve your sales.

Here’s what I mean.

When you add post purchase One Click Upsells to your WooCommerce store, not only do you see an instant boost in Average Order Value. But you also introduce an entirely new avenue for following up with your customers.

Following up with customers is the name of the game.

Most people don’t buy the first time they see an offer. Heck, most don’t buy the second time they see one. So as the store owner and the person who has your customer’s best interest in mind (<== ALWAYS!) it’s up to you to follow up with your customer when they show interest but don’t buy.

The Abandoned Funnel Campaign is a method for following up based on your customer’s decisions in your post purchase checkout funnel.

In this video I’m going to show you exactly when to use this campaign and how it fits in to your other marketing campaigns.

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Chris Mason