How to Promote Your Products on WooCommerce – WooCurve

How to Promote Your Products on WooCommerce

Woocommerce is a great tool for helping to set up an online retail store. But, you need to go beyond setting up your online store and having a catalog of products. You also need to promote the items you sell. If you do not know the best way to promote your products with Woocommerce, keep reading for some helpful tips.

Email and Newsletters

For all the advances in technology, emails and newsletters are still the most effective ways of getting the word out about new products and services. Use emails and newsletters to call attention to any products you want to promote heavily. Having a strong and definite call-to-action is key to using emails and newsletters effectively. Also, time these methods of correspondence properly to make them the most effective. Make sure your message is relevant and avoid sending too many to keep your emails fresh and welcome.

Run a Campaign or Contest

Running a campaign or contest will generate a buzz that will help to create interest in your products and will also help to promote brand awareness quickly. This tactic is particularly helpful to get the word out about new products or if you want to get rid of some of your less-popular products.

Reach Out via Social Media

These days people love spending time on their various social media pages. So, use this trend to your advantage by finding these people where they will likely be. Use your social media pages to promote your Woocommerce products and entice them to make purchases. Facebook and Twitter are great places to start. But, you can easily branch out to Instagram and other platforms as well.

Use the power of social media you can not only promote your products but you can also drive traffic to your WooCommerce store:

Offer Coupons

People love getting a good deal. That will never change. So, entice your current and potential customers to purchase your WooCommerce products by offering coupons for them. Coupons can create a buzz and generate interest in the products you have for sale through Woocommerce. With the holiday season approaching fast, it is the perfect opportunity to offer coupons in conjunction with the busy shopping season. Offer holiday shopping vouchers with deals that will entice people to shop for your products all season long.

Create a Campaign with User-Generated Content

Using content created by current users is a great way to generate buzz about your Woocommerce products. Cultivating and posting videos of people using your products is an excellent way to show potential customers how a product is used and gain the trust of customers in the process. Creating a user-generated campaign will also allow you to form a community that can connect buyers from across the globe and keeps your store as the middleman.

Create Engaging Product Videos

Today’s culture loves to watch videos online. This trend is making creating video content of all kinds not only relevant but necessary. People are becoming increasingly reliant on visual content. So, it is to your advantage to get in on the action. Create an appealing advertising video that can easily be added to the beginning, middle or end of any video a potential customer watches on YouTube or some other medium. A product video that is innovating and appealing will easily engage with your customers Plus, you can also include product reviews, present tutorials, or give viewers a sneak-peak at your WooCommerce store products.

Include a Product Gallery

Creating a product gallery, or collection of images will help customers see your products before they finalize a purchase. A snapshot of the product can give a much more detailed description that words alone can. So, adding a product gallery will likely result in additional sales since there will be less confusion about what the product looks like.

Up-Sell Products

Upselling products is a great way to passively encourage shoppers to buy particular products. Up-selling generally occurs when there is a product that is similar to or accompanies another item that has already been placed in the online shopping cart. Although up-selling products do not have 100 percent success, it brings in enough extra revenue to make it worth your while.

To make your job easier, you can use One-click Upsell. Go check it out.

Discounted offers

Offer Discounts on Products

Similarly to offering coupons to encourage purchases of your WooCommerce products, you can also offer shoppers a great deal on any of the products you sell on your site. Offering discounts works great, particularly with repeat customers. Offering a discount after one or two purchases have been made on specific products encourages not only initial purchases but also encourages customers to come back for more.

Related article: How to Make Discounts, Best Offers and Deals to Drive Sales

If you have questions or would like more information about promoting your products on WooCommerce, contact us today.

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Chris Mason