How to Pick the Perfect Upsell – WooCurve

How to Pick the Perfect Upsell

For some, launching their first upsell can be a little intimidating. Post purchase one click upsells are new for WooCommerce stores and typically when something is new, it’s unknown…and the unknown can be scary. 

And a common roadblock, I’ve found, tends to be just picking the first upsell. So I wanted to share a quick slide from a presentation I’m working on where I talk about how you choose your upsell.

What we’ve found is there’s one “TYPE” of upsell that tends to work best in eCommerce. And this “type” typically doesn’t work in businesses that don’t function like an eCommerce store. 

Here’s the video and remember…don’t take my word for it (you’ll get it after you watch the video.

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Chris Mason